Pantjoran is Chinese themed outdoor commercial venue at new reclamation area in northern part of Jakarta’s. With such of rich value of original Chinese ornamental detailing on its architectural side combine with modern technique & trendy design.
The Pagoda is the main attraction of the venue. In Chinese tradition, the pagoda and the Kwan-In goddess statue are considered ancient and have many mysterious aspects. We attempt to present the glorious & mystical atmosphere by providing color contrast lighting to the statue and the pagoda by using RGBA floodlight with DMX controller to create different scene scenario. Adjustment of brightness contrast ratio are also applied on the surrounding area of the pagoda, that eventually has made the pagoda even more stand out.
The rest of feature of the venue is the tenants with its boutique, ornamental, and festive character required a lot of customization and attention how to highlight every possible detail that can bring up the character of the tenants building despite of the brand of the tenants itself. By applying lighting application to enhance the architectural detail of various tenant building, highlighting specific ornaments, and providing custom Chinese inspired decorative lighting theme, the ideas of oriental festivities ambiance are successfully created.
Location: Pantai Indah Kapuk
Category: Commercial & Retail
Finish Date: January 2022
PIC: Sisca Aryani