Another great years has passed….
We’re blessed, thrilled and truly proud that our project PANTJORAN at Golf Island PIK is announced as LIT Design Award 2023 – Honorable Mention Exterior Architecture Illumination.
We’re greatly thank you for Agung Sedayu Group @agungsedayugroupofficial for your trust. And also to the team that
significantly contribute for this project :
Principal Designer : Endrawan Nimpuno @endrawannimpuno
Project Coordinator : Sisca Aryani @sisca_mamashaz
Lighting Supplier : Terra Illumination @terra.illumination & LVD @ecocity_by_lvd_royal_star (Eliani)
Photography : Lindung Soemarhadi (Nilai Asia) @nilaiasia
Keep up the goodworks team, there will be more in future
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